Maud Guilfoyle
art and ebooks

Art Classes and Instruction in Norwood NJ

Are you trying to find art classes in Norwood NJ and don’t know where to go? At the Art School at Old Church in Demarest NJ, I, Maud Guilfoyle, am running a series of art classes that will assist you in reaching your real artistic potential. These art classes are suitable for all levels from beginners to the advanced level and all are more than welcome. You will develop your painting and drawing style with still life and landscape paints through Maud Guilfoyle’s watercolor, oil and acrylic classes. Also to note, credits with this class and others at Art School are accepted for teachers’ PDP credit.

Where To Go For Watercolor Classes in Norwood NJ

Brilliance of color is something that watercolor painting is known for. Since watercolor paints are simple to pack and set up, watercolors are often the choice for artists on the go whether they wish to paint at a local park or abroad. Maud will guide you in these watercolor classes so that you can become proficient enough to create watercolor paintings that you will be pleased with.

Learn the basics of still life and landscape painting in these classes and ways you can integrate art into your everyday life, whether you are keeping an illuminated journal, decorating your space or developing a portfolio.

Where To Go For Still Life Classes in Norwood NJ

We are all familiar with still life paintings, which make inanimate objects their subject. They may be typical household items like vases and drinking glasses, or items found in nature such as stones, shells, or flowers, or alternative man made or natural items. Over the course of these still life art classes, you may learn to bring a realistic and beautiful still object to life in the shape of a lovely painting. Still life paintings allow much more leeway for artists by providing them with the ability to set up objects into a composition that pleases them. If you have ever found yourself searching for still life classes in Norwood NJ, now’s the time!

Landscape Classes in Norwood NJ: Where To Look

Landscape painting classes will allow us to delve into the natural beauty of our world such mountains, valleys, cliffs, rivers, oceans, forests, and seascapes. In case you have ever found yourself intensely moved by our natural world, these landscape classes can help you express this in the shape of a lovely painting.

EBooks From The Artist And Author

On this particular web site you’ll also discover several eBooks to give you a broader appreciation and understanding of art beyond what you’ll learn in the classroom. Art School Portfolio Handbook, Artist To Artist Handbook, Artists & Money Handbook and more recently, Art By Two are all eBooks that are available. Filled with original landscape, portraits, and figure drawings, Art By Two is a tribute to the relationship between Maud and her mother, artist Peregrine Higgins, as well as their relationship to art itself. These eBooks for artists and art lovers are available on iBooks, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo book. Check out this art class at for beginner to advanced artists!